Call of Duty: 10 Personality Flaws It Forces You To Deal With

1. Buckling To Peer Pressure

We've all had our whines and moans about the series, about how it lacks originality and is just the same old framework every year, but why, then, do the sales continue to exceed each previous year without fail? Just when we think we're out, we're pulled back in by the allure of a new CoD game, unable to resist that burning desire to fire heaps of hot lead into a bunch of moody 12-year-olds. It's that game that you can guarantee most if not all of your friends will be buying, and so naturally it's a great game for the social experience; the competition can be a laugh, and that feeling that you're missing out if you're the one without the game is undeniable. Activision really do have the perfect product model - each subsequent installment makes you feel like you're missing a gaming event if you don't have it, and so, we buckle to the pressure of a good marketing pitch and that of our own social circles. Who wants to be the one guy in a group playing the MMO while their buddies are all teaming up as a strike force? Which CoD-infused personality trait do you think is the worst? Let us know in the comments below.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]