Call of Duty: 10 Personality Flaws It Forces You To Deal With

9. Basking In The Misery Of Others

One of the most troubling aspects of the Call of Duty games to me - and indeed, many online games - is how one player's ecstatic happiness rests on the abject misery of another. Now, this transcends the mere win-or-lose binary condition of any given shoot 'em up scenario, but extends to how players react in the aftermath of said exchange. The bragging, the personal attacks, the incessant utterance of the word "noob!" in order to put the opponents down while at once placing themselves on a false, higher pedestal. Though we all like to think we don't take these games too seriously, we inevitably do, and winning or losing matters more than we care to admit a lot of the time (as anyone who has rage quit will testify to). You need only trawl the archives of YouTube to see those who troll other players purely to hear them whimpering in despair down the microphone (most often children, but not always), and I personally have been reduced to a dejected wreck by clans who arrive to rinse an entire server of players for kicks, and campers who bring the game grinding to a halt.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]