Call of Duty: 10 Personality Flaws It Forces You To Deal With

3. Self-Indulgence

009 There's no denying the level of elitism that these games propagate within the more skilled types of players, who get to boost their egos thanks to the game's absurdly comprehensive stat-tracking system, specifically the so-called "prestige" system, enhanced by the recent Elite subscription system which includes even more info for hardcore players. People are judged by the number next to their name rather than the standard of their present play, causing people to want to level up if only for the sake of their perception. Speaking of which, you need only look at the number of clan tags to see how self-indulgent and keenly navel-gazing this game is, with players trying to promote an image of cool about themselves (c'mon, it's a game). Most prominently, though, this is realised through the game's divisive comms system; very few players use it in a tactical way to better their play, but many use it to play annoying, distorted music, pontificate to other players, go on aforementioned racist rants, or broadcast an argument with their mother for the entire room to hear. I've never once heard someone use the mic system properly, and it's a real shame.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]