Call Of Duty: 7 Maps That Almost Ruined It

2. Turbine (Black Ops 2)


Ah Turbine, how I loathe thee. Has there ever been an uglier map? I bet Treyarch had a right laugh 'designing' this atrocity. You'd think after Black Ops 1 they would have learned their lesson, but Turbine wins the prize for most uninspired creation in the series. Again, it's another completely unbalanced map designed for campers and snipers. If you start at the bottom of the map you can't even move. The crashed plane gives the team at the top complete control, as it provides a lookout across the entire map. There is almost no cover anywhere in the map apart from the building with the Gatling gun that is never used. This map defines everything that is wrong with Black Ops 2. It's boring, bland and ugly. That pretty much sums it up. What could possibly be worse than Turbine you say? I'm glad you asked....

Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!