Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare: 12 Best Ever Load Outs

9. Best Hardpoint Class

Primary Weapon: XMG Chicken & Waffles Primary Weapon Attachments: Laser Sight, Extended Mags Secondary Weapon: None Secondary Weapon Attachments: None Tier 1 Perk: Danger Close and Lightweight Tier 2 Perk: Gung-Ho Tier 3 Perk: Toughness and Scavenger Wildcard: Perk 1 Greed, Perk 3 Greed Exo Ability: Exo Overclock Exo Launcher: x2 Semtex Scorestreak: None The XMGs provide an aggressive play-style that will be extremely useful in Hardpoint. These guns have been rebalanced twice during the lifespan of the game, and are now useful at medium ranges while moving. When the enemy team has the Hardpoint and you need a lot of close range firepower, the XMGs will give you an easy multi-kill. Laser Sight will be needed to tighten your hip-spread as much as possible, and Extended Mags will also allow you to shoot longer which is important as the XMGs reload very slowly. Lightweight will help with the slower movement speed of the XMGs, and Danger Close will compliment your aggressive play-style by enhancing the damage radius of your grenades. Gung-Ho further aids your mobility by allowing you to shoot while sprinting and sliding. Lastly, Toughness will be especially useful given the amount of close-range battles you€™ll be having, and Scavenger will be important as the XMGs do not provide enough reserve ammo to be reloaded on their own. Exo Overclock will allow you to move 12% faster for ten seconds, on top of Lightweight€™s extra 7%, allowing you to move at nearly the default movement speed even with the XMGs. You may find that the XMGs alone will not be enough when the Hardpoint is well guarded; Semtex grenades with Danger Close will go a long way to breaking the enemy€™s formation and forcing them out.

Freelance Writer and net entrepreneur extraordinaire! Also an avid fan of video games, anime, and action figures. Currently hopping to finish a backlog of video games spanning into the 90’s.