Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC - 4 Key Elements Reviewed & Rated

1. The Peacekeeper

COD Peacemaker

Last of all, is the Peacekeeper SMG. The first gun ever to be implemented in a Call of Duty DLC, the Peacekeeper is a hybrid of a sub-machine gun and an assault rifle. It might sound like the most over-powered weapon ever to be invented... ever, but it's actually a pretty balanced weapon on the whole. It has a sluggish fire rate by SMG standards and sucks at close range - but it does have the perks of being light and easy to run with, and increased power and accuracy. It also looks really, really good (look above), and when you're playing in a regular multiplayer playlist, it does have an edge on a good few guns. However, when you're in the Revolution playlist, beware, because it's Peacekeeper town over there - and it's not very fun to be on the receiving end of a Peacekeeper.


Revolution is an extremely solid yet flawed map pack - the Zombies offerings are excellent, but the multiplayer maps are a little hit-and-miss. Overall, I would thoroughly recommend buying it - especially if you're a fan of Zombies. And heck, it convinced me to buy a season pass. Keep up the standard with the next three map packs, Treyarch. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC is available now.

British writerer who enjoys comic-book movies, Doctor Who and games I'm too incompetent to play. And a lot of other things.