Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 Vengeance DLC - Multiplayer & Zombies Reviewed

Ray Gun Mark II

ray-gun-mark-2-black-ops There's also a nice bonus treat for Zombies fans in Vengeance: the Ray Gun Mark II. It's, as you'd expect, an evolution of the classic gun and is a tad more powerful, with nifty train-penetrating burst rounds and more ammo. It's an extremely good gun, and it's made even better by the fact that the Ray Gun Mark I is still there in all its glory... sadly, it's not possible to have both at the same time, but it's good to have both in the game nonetheless. It's also been added to all Black Ops 2 Zombies maps - so it's available in Tranzit and all its smaller Survival maps, Nuketown Zombies, Die Rise, Mob of the Dead and of course, Buried, which is a nice touch from Treyarch. It elevates it from cheap Wonder Weapon cop-out (bear in mind that there's also a Wonder Weapon in Buried anyway) to a proper DLC component, and slightly freshens up this old maps. Heck, it might even make Bus Depot more fun.


Overall, Vengeance is another solid addition to the Black Ops 2 DLC gallery, with four solid multiplayer maps and a very, very fun Zombies map, It's not perfect and nothing truly excels, but it's an admirably consistent and fun map pack.

British writerer who enjoys comic-book movies, Doctor Who and games I'm too incompetent to play. And a lot of other things.