Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 - 8 Infuriating Issues Treyarch Must Fix

8. Quick-Scoping Is STILL A Thing

Popularised way back in Modern Warfare, at this stage it feels like quick-scoping is just par for the course.

And yet... it's a bug/glitch that various COD developers have attempted to tackle in their respective instalments. Last year's COD WWII saw Sledgehammer deploy patches to change the speed of play and how aiming works, yet many gamers have forever found ways to get around it.

In Black Ops 4, the method of firing just as your scope comes up is back in force. The core problem comes from how fast you can aim down sights, coupled with the lack of a movement penalty or aiming penalty when equipped with the rifles themselves.

As it stands, sniper rifles can essentially be one-hit kill machines in the wrong hands, and they feel markedly cheap to go up against.

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