Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 Beta - 4 Ups & 5 Downs


4. TTK Is Lowered JUST Enough

Call of duty black ops 4

"TTK" is the abbreviation given to "Time To Kill"; usually the number of seconds or window of time between encountering another player and dying/nailing a kill.

Over the years, this invisible stat has waxed and waned considerably, seeing the lightning-fast pace of Black Ops III actually become pretty unplayable (unless you had the reflexes of a cat with the best mods equipped).

In WWII it was increased, giving you more of a chance to exchange fire with an opponent, and here we've got one of the most balanced TTKs so far.

Simply because life bars are now visualised above foes, the game needs a TTK that lets you register the information during a duel. It results in a general match pace that isn't as deflating as the COD-standard, "Spawned in, moved, got shot" takeaway we all know too well.

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