Call Of Duty Black Ops 4: Ranking Every Multiplayer Map From Worst To Best

3. Militia

Black Ops 4

Militia doesn't need any gimmicks to be a standout multiplayer level. Positioning is all you need here, as staying out in the open could see you being gunned down from a shack window, while running blindly into a building will result in the same thing happening from someone comfortably sitting on the stairs.

The underpass near the centre of the map acts as a great funnel for the action, while the different huts, caverns and even churches provide plenty of different offensive and defensive options depending on your style of play.

It's another map that feels like it could have been ripped directly out the original Black Ops (maybe with a little of COD 4's Overgrown thrown in for good measure), boasting a similar run-down jungle setting and focusing on moving from tight, twitchy indoor shooting to epic outside firefights.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3