Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Ranking Every Specialist From Worst To Best

9. Ajax

call of duty black ops 4 ajax

Onto far more immediately useful characters, as Ajax's permanent shield is a great way to close down even the most powerful players.

Coming with optional reinforcements that make him damn near invulnerable, all this tank-like power is offset with one hell of a slow movement speed. Seriously, if you're picking Ajax, be prepared to memorise maps so you can play the angles game to close people down or get the drop on them - lest they move around the side or behind you.

And let's face it: This is Call of Duty. There's ALWAYS someone to your side, or behind you.

Ajax's other ability is a cook-able grenade that can charge up to nine flashes at once. It's perfect for storming a room even if the entire enemy team is inside, and once you've set it off, walking in with your shield held-high makes short work of those in your way during the confusion.

Talk about an ebb and flow. Ajax is both phenomenal and utterly ineffectual.

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