Apparently so many people have tried to sign up for the Call of Duty Elite service, some users are having trouble getting through the registration process.

If you didn't know Call of Duty is somewhat popular, so popular in fact that it is causing issues with Call of Duty Elite. Apparently so many people have tried to sign up for the Call of Duty Elite service, some users are having trouble getting through the registration process. Here is the quote from Activision about the issue:
"Registration requests for our new live service Call of Duty Elite are exceeding even our most optimistic expectations, which is creating a bottleneck and some players have not been able to register, We have already registered hundreds of thousands of players, and we are working around the clock to increase our capacity as quickly as possible."
These quotes were actually taken down, but Activision later released another statement through Call of Duty: Elite Twitter stating:
"We're working to increase capacity for the hundreds of thousands of players wanting membership. Stay tuned for details."
The Call of Duty franchise never ceases to amaze me. I actually thought this might be a down year for the Call of Duty franchise with all the hype surrounding Battlefield 3 but as usual people have come out in droves to buy the latest Call of Duty game. Not to mention, by all accounts this might be one of the best reviewed Call of Duty games released. Are you one of the millions that has taken work off today to play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3? Also how many of you are having issues with signing up for the Call of Duty Elite program?

I have been playing video games all my life but not only that I enjoy discussing them just as much as I love playing them. Therefore after going through college to get a criminal justice degree I became a freelance video game writer.