Call Of Duty: Every Treyarch Zombies Map Ranked From Worst To Best

27. Die Rise

Call of Duty Zombies Maps Ranking

Following TranZit in terms of quality should've been a walk in the park, but instead it was a walk in an upside down chunk of skyscraper, suspended high in the air and crawling with Zombies.

Conceptually, Die Rise sounds awesome. In practice, it was a vertigo-sufferer's nightmare. Black Ops II Zombies was not off to a good start. Fighting the hordes in a claustrophobic space only led to disaster. Perks and the Pack-a-Punch were randomised into elevators which you had very little control over, which meant getting set up on the map in record time was always a gamble.

The map design led to deliberate bottomless pit jumps being wound into the map traversal. Half the time you'd be sure you could make that great leap, but you'd plummet to a game over faster than you could say 'Quick Revive.' The lazy inclusion of Nova Crawler zombies that can simply teleport (known as Jumping Jacks) cheapened the whole experience.

For the perk-flavoured cherry on top, Die Rise saw the only appearance of what would be bottom of all the perks ranked from worst to best, 'Who's Who.' Basically serving as Quick Revive with extra steps. It wasn't that ground-breaking, and was borderline pointless since Quick Revive was available on the map.

Plus, they put the much-loved PhD Flopper perk in a corridor you can't access and can only see. Truly awful design.


Born in Theatre, sits at a Computer. After over a decade of tinkering with Video Editing software, Rich gets to spend his precious time editing whatever's thrown at him. Also the go-to for Doctor Who, and could tell you why Sans Serif fonts are better than most. Still occasionally tap dances under the desk.