Call Of Duty Warzone Update: 5 Biggest Changes
4. Enclosing Circle Speed
The circle of gas is to Warzone players what Superhero films are to Martin Scorsese: a constant, encroaching reminder that life is fleeting and time moves ever forwards. Failure to keep this in mind puts gamers back in the menu screen and acclaimed directors back in vitriolic twitter hashtags.
Fortunately, IW has a solution. In addition to various bug fixes, the individual round times, as well as the speed at which the circle approaches have both been slowed. While IW has yet to release the exact numbers, it is now easier for players to outrun the ever encroaching green menace, should they find themselves caught out in the midst of a team wipe.
While the speed of the gas is still subject to a few tweaks, this change ought to bring about much needed breathing room for those players who prefer to stalk (or cower) from the back of the map for as long as possible.
This also means that gas masks shall become much less vital commodities, freeing up your cash for more important things, like Self Revives. Laugh as your teammates fall while you get back up, bolstered by your own selfish pettiness and cold hard Wonga.