Call Of Duty Warzone Update: 5 Biggest Changes

2. Gunsmith Changes

call of duty warzone

There's nothing more satisfying than creating a unique and personalised weapon that really looks glamourous in-game. Whether it's actually accurate or functional is besides the point; a neon pink assault rifle with a solid black-and-white Zebra stock was totally worth the last hour and a half spent sifting through menus.

Play Modern Warfare in any capacity and chances are there'll be a myriad of blueprints unlocked just begging to be used to upgrade your arsenal. Up until recently however, there could only be one Blueprint on any gun at any one time, meaning players were somewhat hampered into more linear playstyles dictated by certain combinations. Want the tactical silencer from the MP7 blueprint but don't want the heavy stock? Too bad.

Until now, that is. With the new Gunsmith combination options, players can finally have any number of blueprints attatched to any single gun of their choosing. Long hunting barrel with a fiery orange magazine clip? Go for it. Long range sniper scope on your revolver? Hey, why not? Futuristic metallic green grip with a medieval themed grenade launcher? Err, Yeah, Sure...


English Student currently in the process of trying to turn the desire to play video games into the desire to study.