Call Of Duty: WW2 - 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

4. Espionage Shows Enemies For The Whole Team, Not Just You

Call of duty ww2

Currently, the Espionage basic training perk - which comes with the description "enemy scorestreaks and enemies you damage appear on the mini-map" - is the addition to COD: WW2's multiplayer that's causing players the most headaches.

Because, while highlighting enemies that you've damaged is a pretty resourceful ability to have, as it allows you to keep track of players you've been in a firefight with, it's not only you who can see their position. Instead, once you damage someone, your whole team becomes aware of their exact location, meaning an injured player who escaped a gunfight has no time to recover, as they'll have the rest of the enemy team coming after them.

It's completely overpowered at the moment, but it's a great way of adding some tactical awareness to the team and absolutely dominating any multiplayer match.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3