Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time - 10 Reasons To Be Excited

5. Variation Of Old Levels

Crash Bandicoot 4

Crash 4 is a brand new entry to the franchise with all new levels and worlds but there is still going to be plenty of nostalgia with themes taken from previous games in the series.

Within the levels there is plenty that has taken inspiration from its predecessors. The trailer showcased a futuristic level very similar to the ones that were in Crash 3 but with new additions such as flying cars to hop across. This could mean that many of the worlds and themes from the series might be making a return in Crash 4.

Perhaps the most famous levels though are the ones with Crash running away from an enemy towards the screen. Previously we have seen boulders and dinosaurs chasing after Crash and they will be back once again in It's About Time. They are some of the most enjoyable levels, but so frustrating levels at the same time.


Gaming and sports writer from the North East of the UK