Crysis 3 Outed?
Could EA be announcing Crysis 3 next week?

"The best kept secret in shooters just can't be contained. Stay tuned for more information on April 16."No other information is known at this time, but I would say it is a forgone conclusion that Crysis 3 is in development and we will hear more next week. I am just amazed at how often in this industry something like this happens; major companies "accidentally" slip up revealing a hidden project they were going to announce at a later date. Not to mention it is a little convenient, free Mass Effect 3 DLC and now we find out that Crysis 3 is in development "accidentally"; it might just be the cynic in me but all this is a little too convenient to happen just days after winning the worst company in America title. I mean there is literally no reason to announce Crysis 3 at this point considering the game won't be out until next year and E3 is just around the corner so why not wait until then to announce instead of next week? What do you think, has winning the worst company in America forced EA to release some good news to counteract the bad news or am I just over analyzing the situation?