Cyberpunk 2077: 11 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. Combine Ripperdocs & Skill Trees For REAL Character Progression

cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt RED

If there's one thing Cyberpunk does a naff job of getting across, it's the co-dependent relationship between your pause screen Character layout, and the in-world Ripperdocs actually providing meaningful augments.

Because double-jumps, slow-motion aiming, using smart weapons? They're all acquired through literally visiting Ripperdocs of your own accord - after the initial interaction with Viktor Vector at the beginning.

I mention this, because the game doesn't push you towards Ripperdocs whatsoever after this first encounter - save for that earlier upgrade from Cassius you can optionally miss.

The takeaway point is that you need to combine Ripperdocs with the Character customisation screen to really flesh everything out.

I mentioned melee builds combining Gorilla Arms with Street Brawler perks earlier, and the same goes for Mantis Blades and the Blades category, inside the Reflexes tab. Spec towards stealth and netrunning by combining Mechatronic augs with Intelligence percentage boosts, and you'll feel your build come to life far more purposefully.

If you're not thinking about both your physical augments alongside the percentage based stuff, you're only really speccing half of what's possible.

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