Cyberpunk 2077 HANDS-ON - 10 Things We Learned

7. Less Combat Than You Expect

Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt RED

With a gripping main quest and an assortment of extra content to keep you busy, there’s going to be no shortage of things to do when Cyberpunk releases on 10th December. But one thing you probably won’t be doing as much of is engaging in a lot of combat, especially when making your way around the city.

In other open world games like The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, or Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, players will be met by enemies as they make their way through the respective environments.

In Cyberpunk, however, this isn’t the case. You won’t be contested by a group of bandits spoiling for a fight whilst walking down the street and you won’t have to rush by groups of enemies just to get on with your objective at hand. Rather, traversal in Night City is like traveling across GTA V's Los Santos.

In fact, Marks highlights that he spent “hours at a time without ever drawing a weapon, completing missions just by having conversations and sneaking around a bit.”

Leaning into the game’s slower pace and heavier focus on role-playing rather than action, we can expect combat to take a backseat for huge chunks of gameplay.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.