Dark Souls: 10 Most Disgustingly-Programmed Boss Fights

1. Bed Of Chaos

You can probably tell by now that I have nothing but praise to speak of Dark Souls. But when it comes to the Bed Of Chaos? Hell no. The developers even admitted that they weren't proud of the way in which this boss turned out. You didn't really fight anything, it was just a destructive mess where the crumbling ground and random underground plumes of fire constantly tore you a new one - often unfairly. For the last part of the encounter you had to make a perfect jump onto a tree branch in order to reach this weird maggot-heart thing, which I guess was what was controlling the Bed of Chaos, but this jump could so easily go wrong because of screen-wide swipe attack that was very difficult to deal with. It was a poorly designed encounter which failed to implement a fair challenge, something that the rest of the game manages to do so well. So yeah, screw this boss. Disgusting programming exemplified, but not in a good way. In every winner there's a sinner, and some Dark Souls bosses walk that line to perfection. Do you share the same love/hate relationship with these bosses? Excited for Dark Souls 2? Unleash discussion in the comments below!

When he's not out in Newcastle wasting his money on dubious vodka, Jack enjoys taking procrastination to new levels via the wonders of video gaming, TV, books, and shiny things on the Internet. In other words, he's a student.