Dark Souls: 10 Most Disgustingly-Programmed Boss Fights

9. Knight Artorias

The character Knight Artorias was a bit of a fan-favourite. Though we'd never seen him, his story was particularly interesting and he sounded like one heck of a cool guy, so it was enough to make us giddy when we heard that we'd be able to fight him the DLC €“ 'Artorias of the Abyss'. But, it being Dark Souls and everything, he turned out to be a giant douche. Not in the story sense €“ he definitely is still a cool guy €“ but in the sense that he really, really enjoyed repeatedly sending our sorry behinds back to the bonfire. He was a bit of a baiter €“ he'd give you the opportunity to get a few cheeky stabs in, but then would basically say "PSYCHE!", and swing his sword at you with uncanny speed. His giant leap was one particularly nasty move; it was extremely hard to dodge and if he was in his super-abyss mode, could easily kill you in one. And let's not forget his slime throwing attack which was basically a b*tch-slap. This fight teased you into becoming cocky, thinking that you were gaining the upper hand, and then in seconds had you screaming un-godly curses every few minutes.

When he's not out in Newcastle wasting his money on dubious vodka, Jack enjoys taking procrastination to new levels via the wonders of video gaming, TV, books, and shiny things on the Internet. In other words, he's a student.