Dark Souls 2: 10 Essential Pointers To Make Sure You Start Strong

4. Patience, Young Dark Souler

Patience Dark Souls Never, ever, ever, rush around in Dark Souls. Death can come at any point in this game; learning to anticipate where it might come from and taking action against it will prevent needless deaths and ensure you have a healthy Dark Souls experience. Instead, take your time, keep your shield up, and move cautiously around your environment. This way you can easily spot dangerous hidden pits, don't get ambushed by enemy hordes and can calculate your next move every step of the way. Cockier Dark Souls players rush around only after they've learned everything they need to know about a level's design, but even they often end up being killed by accidentally falling off a cliff or forgetting an enemy placement. Caution and patience are always the name of the game here. You should be constantly aware when playing; being distracted by biscuits or trivial tasks like the dog wanting to go walkies is not acceptable and will most likely result in immediate death in the near future.
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Dark Souls 2
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.