Dark Souls 2: 10 Improvements That Must Be Made

7. Improved Dual Wielding

Dark Souls Dual Wielding As in Demon€™s Souls, dual wielding in Dark Souls was largely unpractical except with a few exceptions, and working out the correct weapon combinations was largely a case of practicing to see what worked and what didn€™t. For example, in theory you could wield a rapier or a spear in your left had in order to jab at an enemy, catching him off guard while you then delivered the killer blow with a heavy weapon in your right hand. However, due to the poor stun to hit ratio on the left hand, enemies were hard to stagger, and attempting to dual wield could backfire on you. For the most part, you were better off using a shield in order to block/parry. For Dark Souls II, From Software should look to implement a proper dual wield system in which a large combination of weapons can be used, and where enemies are easier to stun/stagger. The developer has already hinted that it wants to make subtle changes to the combat system on the whole, though I doubt they€™ll want to stray too far from the tried and tested formula of the original.

John Henry is a mild mannered journo by day but an absolute film nut by night. Go on, ask him a film related question...