Dark Souls 2: 10 Lessons All Games Must Learn From It

8. We Should Feel Amazing For Our Accomplishments

Dark Souls 2 is a tough game, undoubtedly. It'll frustrate you and it'll punish you but you'll still keep coming back for more. Why? Dark Souls, more than any other series, makes you feel amazing when you finally accomplish something and that's why we love it so much. Of course, the biggest accomplishments come from killing bosses and inching closer to the glorious finish line but even the small victories feel great in Dark Souls 2. Finding an illusory wall and looting the treasure behind it makes us feel like some sort of genius; taking on and defeating four enemies at once makes us feel unstoppable; and returning to Majula and cashing in our souls for levels makes us feel ready to take on the next challenge. It's a game that constantly satisfies you, especially when you find yourself finally making good progress through its many challenges. We're not asking for all games to become ultra difficult (we're not that sadistic) but letting the player feel victorious every now and again encourages us to carry on playing. Nothing is more satisfying then that sweet, sweet 'Victory Achieved' screen €“ let's see more of that in games.
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Dark Souls 2
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.