Dark Souls 3: 10 Essential PC Mods That Make It Even Better

9. Aggression Mod

dark souls 3

Creator: Zullie the Witch

In Resident Evil 4, enemies will attack more ferociously when playing on nightmare difficulty, actively sprinting towards the player and attacking simultaneously. In Dark Souls however, there’s no option to increase the difficulty, or modify the strategies of enemies, meaning they’ll always attack in the same way, and with the same degree of enthusiasm.

If you’re looking for more of a challenge, the ‘Aggression Mod’ should do the trick. It essentially galvanises your opponents, causing them to become more aggressive in their attempts to remove your head from your shoulders. No longer content to stand around idly waiting for the inevitable, enemies will attack the player sooner, and pursue them further. They also have glowing red eyes, because that’s how much they hate you.

(Download Link)


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.