Dark Souls 3: 12 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

10. Create Unique Weapons & Items From Boss Souls

dark souls 3 ludleth

All Souls games have always given you the ability to transpose a boss soul into a specific weapon once you've defeated them, but DS3 makes it far easier, and far more binary.

Every time you fell a particularly taxing creature, take the rewarded soul to Ludleth (the small chap sitting on the throne near the middle of the Firelink Shrine), and he'll give you the option to transform it into a weapon or item.

To activate this ability, you first need to take out the Curse-Rotted Greatwood in the Undead Settlement - which will give you the Transposing Kiln item. Give this to Ludleth and every future time you return with a soul, he'll let you nab one of two or three new pieces of equipment for free.

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