Days Gone Review: 8 Ups & 5 Downs

6. The Characters Are (Mostly) Well Written

Days Gone

While the performances have received universal praise, the actual characters themselves have not. They're going to be a point of contention, but for my money, the vast majority of the heroes, villains and in-betweens you come across in Days Gone and compelling and worth following.

Deacon St. John isn't quite as well-rounded as he could be - and there's certainly some missed potential in how the game never really addresses his morally grey impulses with the humanity he has left - but there's still enough there to make his journey interesting and nuanced, especially in how he wrangles with the loss of hope in this cynical new world.

The people he meets are equally as interesting, from Tucker's sinister abuse of her workers to his relationship with Iron Mile and the Lost Lake. There are some duds here and there - and it's undeniable that there are plenty of post-apocalyptic archetypes being filled in - but for the most part the characters are complex enough to carry the story.

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PS4 Days Gone
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3