Deadlight Trailer Suggests We Fear Ourselves

Deadlight's new trailer shows us why it is set to deliver a unique zombie-survival experience for XBLA this summer.

Deadlight is coming to XBLA this summer, and with dozens of zombie inspired games already released many will surely wonder why exactly we need another. Luckily, Tequila Works is answering this question by providing a different zombie experience for Xbox fans everywhere. The newest trailer for the 2D side-scrolling platformer, provides those interested in a deeper look at the world surrounding this dark title. Gamers can expect to find a world full of psychological torment, survival, and the need for precision control of your character. Often you will find yourself in situations where running away is the better option for survival. Tequila Works is pushing the idea that zombies aren't just cannon fodder, and provide a true threat for those who may find themselves face to face with the grotesquely reanimated corpses. With any luck, Deadlight will provide a great addition to XBLA this summer. Setting the tone with an eerie art direction, heavy platforming elements, and what appears to be a decent storyline, gamers everywhere have one more zombie game to look forward to. The trailer suggests that we fear ourselves, and perhaps this will have a greater meaning in the world of Deadlight. What is any human being capable of when faced with survival or death?


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