Death Stranding: 17 Tips, Tricks & Secrets The Game Doesn't Tell You

4. Don't Dismantle Anything (Except Bogus Routes)

Death Stranding

When you're first getting to grips with how building and online connectivity works in Sony's exclusive, you might be tempted to dismantle partially-built structures or even items you come across in an attempt to either take them for yourself or salvage some materials.

However, Death Stranding's approach to online play doesn't leave much room for griefing or selfishness. It's designed in a way that promotes working together, and there's no benefit from dismantling other items. You don't tangibly gain anything from it, and all you're really doing is destroying someone else's hard work.

On the inverse though, there are a couple of things you can dismantle without gaining a guilty conscience. Ladders that lead nowhere aren't a help to anyone for instance, and should be eradicated before some poor soul climbs them expecting a shortcut.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3