Death Stranding EXPLAINED: All Ending Questions Answered
6. Why Amelie Wants To Bring Life To An End

Amelie's sudden heel turn at the end is shocking, but she's a way more complex villain than the whole 'end of the world' thing may suggest. That's because she is an Extinction Entity (EE), a being born to usher in the Death Stranding and complete another extinction event.
It's revealed that as a young child, Bridget was plagued by apocalyptic nightmares of the end of the world, visions of a future that might come true, and that meant she spent a lot of time in hospital. Eventually she realised those dreams were a real future she was born to usher in which, understandably, didn't sit well with her.
Instead of embracing her destiny as the bringer of death, she rebelled against it, and spent her life trying to find a way to stop another extinction. When those attempts failed though, she decided the only course of action was to bring the cycle to an end through one final extinction.
This conclusion is come to primarily because she hypothesises that life as we know it is a fluke anyway. The Big Bang's chances of happening and bringing forth life were so minute that she sees the previous Death Strandings as a way for nature to make up for this mistake. However, each one has never succeeded, as humanity has always adapted and rebuilt.
Consequently, she decides to solve this 'problem' by connecting everyone's Beaches through the Chiral network, this time extinguishing humanity to stop the cycle.