Death Stranding Review: 9 Ups & 3 Downs

2. Physics Will Bug Out A TON

Death Stranding
Kojima Productions

Coming from the fact Kojima Productions haven't made an open-world game where traversal was ever anything more than driving a vehicle or hopping on top of a horse, introducing verticality as a major gameplay element has resulted in a handful of hiccups.

Though not anything close to consistent or game-breaking, you will notice just how much Sam awkwardly bounces off the environment at every turn. The squirrelly driving physics of the bike mean it'll sometimes stop dead on a pebble, or leap 20 feet in the air like a Skyrim glitch, damaging cargo on landing.

Descending from any high place is also a cinch, because whilst you do have ropes and ladders, the game's hitboxes are supremely generous, and you can largely just face "into" what you're climbing down, surviving by glitching down to the next suitable foothold, bit by bit.

Vehicles regularly get stuck on the smallest of outcrops or things that just shouldn't effect them, and across the board there's a sensation of characters and environments just not meshing as well as they could.

I reiterate: It's not a game-breaker at all, but you will notice it, and it will stick out.

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