Deathloop PS5 Review: 8 Ups & 3 Downs

5. Slab Powers Are Great And Encourage Experimentation

Deathloop Ps5

What adds to these basic elements is the inclusion of Slab powers. You acquire these by killing certain Visionaries, and can equip two at a time when you load into levels.

If you've played Dishonored a lot of these will be familiar, with the Shift ability gifting you a short-range teleport to reach new areas, while Nexus links the consciousness of enemies together meaning that killing one will kill them all.

Though already powerful, you can upgrade these by repeatedly killing the same targets, allowing you to further tailor these powers to your own playstyle. While the idea of tying these upgrades to killing targets you've already offed might seem like a recipe for repetition, it actually encourages experimentation.

You could take out the enemy the same way you did the first time, but you could also try a brand new tactic, using information you gleaned on your first attempt. While not necessary for the upgrades, you are encouraged to experiment with new weapons and powers in order to further power up your character.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3