Desmond Returning In Assassin's Creed 4?

Desmond 600x300 The Assassin's Creed franchise has always pushed its current day story. Desmond Miles is just a normal guy who gets caught up in a huge world-changing web of corporate intrigue, with the evil company Abstergo, taking him hostage and tapping into his memories. Desmond's ancestors are master assassins destined to come into contact with the fabled and powerful Apples of Eden. Abstergo wants to know where they are, to take over the world and turn everyone into ducks. Now, one of those things I said was a lie, but you probably can't tell which because it's all rather silly. But still, here we are on this journey into the unknown. Desmond's story only really took up 10-20% of the gameplay in the first five iterations of the franchise, the other percentage being spent in a much more interesting place with much more interesting people. But Desmond's story was slightly intriguing and Ubisoft said that the Assassin's Creed III (the fifth title) would wrap up Desmond's story. SPOILERS AHEAD. So if there's one thing Assassin's Creed is terrible at, its endings and resolutions. If you think about it, there hasn't been an interesting endgame really at all. At the end of Assassin's Creed, you find blood markings on the walls of your cell. In Brotherhood, you stab Lucy with your hidden blade. In Revelations, Desmond simply knows where he needs to go. It was no real surprise that III didn't really offer anything up either. After five games of hype and foreshadowing, Desmond stops an evil force from enslaving the world by touching a sphere then dying. Thing is it doesn't seem to really work, and we get a final shot of the world glowing green. Credits roll. What? Seriously. Assassin's Creed IV moves on without Desmond with a present plotline that has hardly been mentioned at all. All we really know is that the new present protagonist is 'you' (i.e. the player) and you're still tapping into Desmond's memories. However now some information has come out of PAX and it seems like we might be learning more about Desmond's fate. GamesRadar reports that Director Ashraf Ismail said that Desmond's life after AC3 will be revealed, 'making the seemingly clear ending of AC3 quite a bit murkier' He also said that it is very important why the player is researching Edward and Desmond's bloodline. Will Desmond return? Probably not. Ubisoft has made it clear that his story is over, but then again it's really not. This is Desmond's bloodline after all. The whole franchise is built around that. I'm left wondering why they even decided to kill Desmond off in the first place. Was it just for a false sense of finality? All will be revealed soon as Assassin's Creed IV sails onto Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and Xbox One in November. What do you think about Desmond's fate? Make some noise in the comments below...

Chris McGeorge is a 22-year-old author, who has passion for video games, films and television. Whenever he is not knee deep in a manuscript, he can usually be found strolling the streets of Los Santos or trying to wrap his head about a new JRPG battle system.