Destiny: 10 Crazy Secrets (That You Totally Have To Check Out)

1. Secret DLC Boss You've heard the complaints about Bungie sealing or axing off certain parts of Destiny in order to sell them later as DLC. This little trick will grant you early access to a boss fight that was held back for future downloadable content, in the form of the Ultra Captain. To find the secret boss, you'll need to make your way to Earth, starting up the level 4 Patrol Mission. After that, things get a little tricky, so follow the video above for detailed instructions on how to actually reach the boss. The Ultra Captain himself isn't anything particularly special, but it's worth it to get that warm, fuzzy feeling that you managed to get around the content lock. Before handing over your cash to Bungie when it does release officially, like the hopeless addict you are. Have you discovered any cool secrets in Destiny yet? Are there any we should have included here? Let us know in the comments below!
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