Destiny: 10 Worst Players Who Are Ruining The Game

2. Armchair Generals

Above all else, Destiny is supposed to be fun, but you know what isn't fun? Some guy who thinks he's the final word on Raid strategy bossing everybody around like he owns the joint. Now, Raids are limited to friends-only play due to the strong communication required to make it through a Raid successfully, but this is the mode in the game which will separate your friends into two groups: the chilled-out guys just looking to relax and have some fun, and the armchair generals who whine like entitled kids when people deviate from their carefully-constructed plan. Paying attention and listening to your team is necessary to get through the notoriously challenging Raids, but still, this is a game first and foremost: it's not real life, and so treating it with the import of actual life-and-death choices just makes the player look stupid, and moreover, reinforces negative stereotypes that still surround gamers. Screaming down the headset at your friends isn't going to make things any easier: it's the exact opposite of good communication, and well, keep it up enough and you might even lose a friend over it (or, at least, they won't want to play with you anymore).
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.