Destiny: 17 Easter Eggs & References You Need To Know

16. Balls...Balls Everywhere

Fancy breaking up that post-game grind a little bit? Why not have a fun, relaxing game of football with some other Guardians hanging around the Tower? On the left side of the main spawn area, you'll find a bunch of stacked crates underneath a metal staircase, and among all this should be a black-and-white football. Running up to the football will kick it, and the slide function will also allow you to go in for a dirty tackle if the competition's getting too rough. Fingers crossed that Bungie eventually patches in a proper football mini-game which grants players XP for scoring goals. That's not all, though: if you head just right of the Bounty robot, you'll find a larger purple ball, which when contacted, will be thrown into the air like a balloon. Just make sure you play nice and don't hurl it off the edge of the Tower!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.