Destiny 2: 10 Big Things Bungie Must Fix

7. Character Customisation

Social elements are one of a few areas of Destiny where the FPS mentality has all but completely overshadowed MMORPG. Even with armor, shader, and skill options, it can be difficult to build a Guardian that fits your vision due to the threadbare character creator. Humans, Exos, and the Awoken comprise the game's races, and other than the shared quality of having no context or backstory whatsoever, stand out as unique and different beings. However, although a wide color palette makes for distinctive characters, other options are extremely limited. Hair, facial structure, markings, and a sort of accessory are the meat and potatoes of character creation, all of which offer a paltry handful of presets. There are no sliders to play with, so it's impossible to emphasize one particular aspect of your Guardian. We don't need the bird people-spawning sliders of Dark Souls, but Destiny could use a healthy injection of detail. Annoyingly, despite only being able to customize your face (no height, weight, build, or so on), you cannot rotate the camera, meaning you'll only get a feel for how your character looks from other angles once you've accepted their appearance. You only see those other angles at the Tower, but it's still a strange omission. Making a character is arguably the biggest investment you can make in an MMO, so you're going to want to make sure they're up to snuff. Not allowing that is just asking to be picked on at MMO Academy.
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Destiny 2
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A freelance games writer, you say? Typically battling his current RPG addiction and ceaseless perfectionism? A fan of horror but too big a sissy to play for more than a couple of hours? Spends far too much time on JRPGs and gets way too angry with card games? Well that doesn't sound anything like me.