Destiny 2: 18 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

15. Destroy A Shielded Cabal With Ease

Destiny 2 Phalanx

We've all come up against them, and in Destiny 1 a shielded Cabal quite often meant you were about to pay an express trip to the restart screen.

Thankfully, though many Destiny'ers will have gotten used to clipping away at their health by targeting exposed limbs or flying overhead, now you can simply target the direct shiny centre of the redesigned shield itself.

Doing so causes critical damage (evident by the yellow colour of your numbers), and after a few shots the Phalanx will get stunned, opening them up to being finished off.

Use this tactic to keep Phalanxs in their 'recovering' animation even if you need to thin the ranks of other enemies first. Though disabling their shields doesn't do any damage, it can be a lifesaver when facing off against a particularly sizeable horde.

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