Destiny 2: Ranking All Exotic Weapons From Worst To Best
From trash tier to god tier, where does your favorite gun rank?

As the name implies, exotic guns in Destiny stand out above the rest. They feature unique perks unlike any other weapon in the game, letting them stand out from the pack. Some of these perks may be amazing and must-have for any budding Guardian, while others seem unreliable or quite frankly, useless.
Back in the days of the original Destiny, the Gjallarhorn was the absolute must-have exotic in the game. It melted all enemies in its way, and would make short work of strike bosses as well as raid bosses. Then was the Vex Mythoclast, a gun so over-powered in the Crucible that Bungie had to nerf it into the ground.
With guns that clearly stood above the rest in the first game, it's no surprise the same thing has happened in Destiny 2. There are exotic guns that clearly outmatch all the competition, and on the opposite side of the spectrum, there are those that are clearly not even worth your vault space.
Whether it be a monster in PvE or a nightmare in PvP, let's find out what these exotics are really made of.
19. Fighting Lion

Fighting Lion is a grenade launcher, a new power weapon type in Destiny 2 that is painfully underwhelming. Unlike other grenade launchers though, Fighting Lion goes into your energy slot instead of your power slot.
While it may seem like a sly way to get two power weapons in your loadout, it's far from the truth. Fighting Lion is so subpar that it's like you're losing a gun instead of gaining a second power. It's blast radius is so small, and the damage is miniscule. It feels like a pea-shooter more than anything and it's undoubtedly the worst exotic in the game.
If you ever find yourself unlucky enough to be "rewarded" this gun from an exotic engram, do yourself a favor and just dismantle it. You'll get more use out of the legendary shards and glimmer than you will from the gun itself.