Diablo 4: 10 Most Powerful Weapons & Gear You Must Find

2. Harlequin Crest

diablo 4 the butcher

Sometimes referred to as 'Shako', the Harlequin Crest has already established itself as one of Diablo IV's most sought-after items. So much so, its rarity has led to some players dishing out conspiracy theories about whether or not it actually exists.

Thankfully, it does exist; it's just really, really rare, reportedly taking a full week after the game's launch for the first player to find one. But what makes this Unique helmet so busted?

The item comes with 1025 armour and +1000 maximum life, plus a 9.6% cooldown reduction, 11.5% resource generation, and 20% damage reduction on average. But, where things get game-breaking is with the helm's abilities to also grant players a 20% multiplier on all stats and +4 ranks on all skills.

What makes the Shako so overpowered is not only the +4's ability to free up a player's skill tree, but also to mix-and-match a build by investing points they wouldn't have been able to afford.

There hasn't been a method discovered yet that guarantees a player will pick the Shako up., but Nightmare Dungeons are still your best bet. Completing Nightmare Dungeons reward players with two items of legendary quality, which has the chance of rolling as Uniques.

Two chances are better than one, right?

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.