Dishonored: 10 Reasons You Need to Play Immediately

2. Graphically Something Special

Dishonored seems to have taken a mix of Fable€™s cartoonish caricatures with the cell shading made famous by the likes of Prince of Persia and Borderlands, and while this kind of approach may seem to others as like mixing custard with chips when making such a Gothic game, the result is something unique and ambivalently blended between beautiful and morbid. The art style is best summed up as if Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Tim Burton joined forces and built some twisted city that never escaped the Industrial Revolution and the €œmoving painting€ look, coined by IGN for this game, does the franchise justice; because it looks like a painting it adds an element of escapism. Though at first I will admit the look threw me at first - I was expecting something graphically along the lines of Skyrim - in hindsight I think it was an expert move to make it look fantastical rather than something real, it€™s almost as if Bethesda/Arkane are saying €œyou and I both know this isn€™t real, so why try and insult our intelligence by trying to trick you into thinking it is?€ Have a look for yourself...

Currently residing in Liverpool, Merseyside though originally from Thurrock, Essex; I have a real passion for writing, the more obscure the subject matter the better. Hopefully you will enjoy my , musings and writings on such subjects as WWE, Film, Comics and Games.