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Dishonored 2: 10 Creative Kills You Need To See

8. The Rat Trap

Dishonored 2
Arkane Studios

Thanks to the corporeal nature of how Corvo changes form (which is to say, his 'spirit' or essence fully becomes the thing he's targeting, from animals to characters and more), you're free to hop into pretty much every half-sentient thing you come across.

One uber-cool usage is to warp into one of the many hundreds of rats that litter the streets, thereby letting you wander behind enemy lines as no one suspects a thing.

Better yet, strap an explosive or spring razor to said rat's behind first, then get yourself right in the middle of a group conversation. You'd best warp back out just before detonation, but if done right, you can use these little guys to stealthily send in all sorts of devices without anyone batting an eyelid - until it gets blown off.


Arkane Studios, with offices in Lyon, France and Austin, Texas, was founded in 1999 and has earned an enviable reputation for creating distinctive games.