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Dishonored 2: 10 Creative Kills You Need To See

2. This. Is. KARNACA!

dishonored 2
Arkane Studios

Despite the original Dishonored's teleportation-style 'Blink' ability being one of the coolest new gameplay features of the decade, if it lacked anything, it was some forceful attack on the other end.

Well, no more. Arkane are embracing the brilliance of ragdoll'ing corpses, and should you 'Blink' into someone, Corvo will come out of it with a 120mph kick - enough to literally send enemies flying in the other direction.

Use this to line them up against environmental hazards, swarms of Bloodflies, other guards - or barrels of explosive whale oil, as seen above.


Arkane Studios, with offices in Lyon, France and Austin, Texas, was founded in 1999 and has earned an enviable reputation for creating distinctive games.