DOOM: 10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

8. Perform Specific Glory Kills

doom glory kill
Id Software

Now, the game does tell you to 'experiment' with Glory Kills (the vicious melee animations that rejuvenate your health), but leaves the rest up to you.

Firstly, your angle dictates everything, so from the front, either side and behind your enemy all matter. Plummeting out the sky does too, and if you're near a wall/vertical surface, you'll most likely mash your enemy's head straight into it.

Specific body parts can trigger unique animations as well. Across the campaign you'll get different optional bonuses for 'attacking right leg' or wherever, but literally looking at the designated body part before hitting R3 will result in a host of different animations. These include Mortal Kombat-style batterings of demons with their own limbs, or in the case of the Revenant, grabbing each of their shoulder cannons in one hand each and smushing their head in the middle.

Glory Kills vary depending on mode (multiplayer vs. campaign vs. SnapMap) just to keep things fresh, so if you're getting tired of the same old 'one-two punch' animations, chances are it's because you're attacking the same body part from the same angle over and over.

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