Dota 2: 10 Most Fun Heroes You Must Play As

2. Enigma

Pyrion Flax said it best when he said that Black Hole is the single most exciting spell in Dota 2. This is absolutely true and it is further proven by the fact that Black Hole has the longest cooldown of any skill. A well-executed, perfectly-aimed Black Hole is one of the biggest satisfactions of Dota and will annihilate any chance an enemy team has of winning a team fight and provide a huge morale boost for teammates. Enigma is not a one trick pony. Demonic Conversion allow him to masterfully harass heroes and take down towers in short periods of time. He can also farm with the best of them, and as a support hero, he is able to buy items quickly, something that a lot of support heroes find difficult to manage. Malefice is a great initiation disable that allows your teammates to gain ground on enemy heroes as they prepare to take them down. Midnight Pulse kind of gets lost in the chaos of other spells, but that is to the advantage of Enigma. An area of effect damage over time spell, anyone standing on it takes damage every second they stand on it, giving Enigma some much needed damage output. Enigma is a support hero for people who don't like to support all of the time and don't want to suffer from lack of gold.
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Film junkie, casual hardcore gamer, and human music database. Learned how to write so that I could share my ideas and justify the hundreds of hours I've spent glued in front of a screen. Follow me on Twitter for my less formal musings on geek culture.