Dota 2: 10 Mistakes Every Noob Makes

2. Underestimating Roshan

Roshan is the big, fat prized suckling pig of the map. He stays in one place, defending his realm from any hero foolish enough to take him on. Roshan is not your average creep, and noob players often misjudge when the proper time to kill Roshan is. Some will try early, only to die from a string of Bashes. Others will start to bring him down, but the other team swoops in mid fight and takes out your whole team, as well as Roshan's prized possession, the Aegis of the Immortal. A bad Roshan fight can lead to disastrous results for teams who do not approach him correctly. His Aegis is very tempting to eager noobs looking to avoid death. Handling Roshan is all about timing and positioning. No one should ever just run in and try to bring down Roshan unless your name is Ursa. Even then, with his skillset catered toward downing Roshan, he can prove to be quite a challenge. Roshan is not a necessary step to victory, but he can be the deciding factor in a team fight, so new players have to discuss it with their team before any decisions are made about whether to bother with him or not.
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Film junkie, casual hardcore gamer, and human music database. Learned how to write so that I could share my ideas and justify the hundreds of hours I've spent glued in front of a screen. Follow me on Twitter for my less formal musings on geek culture.