Dota 2: 10 Mistakes Every Noob Makes

7. Stacking Stuns

A team can never have enough disable. Stuns are the most desirable skills to have in a game, as they are the deciding factor in team fighting. With that said, many new players are very reactionary, and will throw their stun at the first sight of danger. As a result, the team gets one stun for the price of two. The combined damage may be a nice nuke, but the damage won't be worth it if an enemy gets away or casts a powerful spell. A kill is guaranteed if teammates time their stuns consecutively. Stacking stuns gives enemies a chance to escape and a hero ends up with a wasted skill. This can be especially damning for mana heavy stuns such as Sven's Storm Hammer or Earthshaker's Fissure. Well timed stuns will render heroes useless against you and your team will win a lot more fights.
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Film junkie, casual hardcore gamer, and human music database. Learned how to write so that I could share my ideas and justify the hundreds of hours I've spent glued in front of a screen. Follow me on Twitter for my less formal musings on geek culture.