Dota 2: 10 Mistakes Every Noob Makes

4. Buying Wards

Wards: The one item no one feels obligated to buy. Which is a shame, considering without wards, noobs end up playing blind for the whole game and are constantly getting ganked by the other team. Having wards up is an absolute must if new players ever hope to succeed in Dota 2. Wards are usually left for a support hero to purchase, but in a lot of noob brackets, supports usually never bother. This is a big mistake that will lead to rage and frustration. A lot of noob players will refuse to step out of their rigid item builds to get some wards, even if the enemy team keeps killing them in the same spots on the map. This leads to the dissolution of team unity and will usually end in frustration and a droning of pings. While it falls on the support to purchase and place wards, warding is too important to neglect, so if your support doesn't buy wards, don't be a miser and realize that wards benefit you as well. Good warding puts teams at an advantage against ganks and rune control. Heroes like Pudge, a serial noob murderer, are much easier to handle if you ward places where you'll think he'll hook from.
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