Set on the night of Halloween, Costume Quest sees players assume the role of either Wren or Reynold, two siblings trick-or-treating around the neighbourhood and exploring with their friends, as you do. The trouble is: the sinister Dr Orel White has unleashed hordes of monsters in an attempt to end Halloween forever, because hes a dentist and dentists hate sweets. Coincidentally, this is the not the last evil dentist that we will encounter on this list; evidently Tim Schafer must have had a bad experience at some point in his childhood. The gameplay involves collecting costumes that unlock new abilities in combat. For example, the werewolf costume will turn your character into a giant wolf, and the ghost costume will turn you into a horrifying phantom, and the mummy costume You get the idea. Its fun, it has that Double Fine sense of humour and, because of the costumes, the gameplay is varied and avoids becoming repetitive. Though there are a few issues here and there, the humour and inventiveness of the game easily outshines any tiny niggling criticisms. Theres very little to complain about, honestly. Go play it.